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COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions

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In alignment with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Nodaway County Health Department and other public health agencies, 本网页为西北社区提供与COVID-19大流行相关的广泛信息和常见问题的答案.

有关COVID-19及其对健康影响的其他具体信息,请访问 CDC's Respiratory Virus Guide.

What is contact tracing?

接触者追踪是确定COVID-19患者的所有密切接触者并将密切接触者隔离的过程. COVID-19检测呈阳性或被确定为密切接触者的个人将收到卫生保健官员的指示,说明他们需要采取哪些步骤来防止病毒进一步传播.

In alignment with current CDC and State recommendations, 西北地区目前未对已知阳性病例进行病例调查或接触者追踪. However, 网上赌博网站十大排行检测呈阳性的学生可能仍会接到诺达威县卫生部的电话. 诺达威县卫生部门在得知一个人的COVID-19检测呈阳性后,开始了他们的病例调查. It is the process of interviewing the patient to determine their symptoms and symptom onset, possible locations where exposure occurred and their close contacts.

密切接触者被认为是任何长时间(至少15分钟)密切接触(6英尺内)的人。, or had physical contact (of any duration) with an individual who tested positive; a person may be considered a close contact regardless of whether either individual was wearing face coverings. A common misconception is that you should quarantine if you have been exposed to someone who is a close contact; that is not accurate. If you live with someone who is a contact, but they do not have a positive test or symptoms, you do not need to quarantine.

Do college students qualify for free at home COVID-19 testing kits?

Yes. The federal government is providing four free COVID-19 testing kits to every U.S. residential address that requests them at and at 800.232.0233 for people without internet access. 

College students residing on- or off-campus may request free testing kits. Students with shared housing addresses -- such as residence halls, 公寓建筑或其他集体住房-应填写其唯一的房间或公寓号码, and/or letter with their street address on the ordering form or via phone.

Any student whose request is rejected should call USPS Customer Service at 800.275.8777 to resolve issues with shared housing addresses.

How can I test for COVID-19?


  • Students may call Wellness Services at 660.562.1348 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday to request a test.
  • 员工和学生可以拨打马赛克医疗中心-玛丽维尔的COVID-19护士热线.m. and 6:30 p.m. Monday through Friday or between 8 a.m. and noon Saturday to request a test. 
  • 免费的COVID-19家庭测试可供使用,并允许个人独立测试自己. At-home tests are available to order at
  • The following links provide information about testing sites in the four-state region. If you reside outside the four-state region, check with your local or state health departments for testing information.

Are KN95 masks available on campus?

KN95 masks are available to students and employees upon request by contacting

What is the difference between "isolation" and "quarantine"?

Isolation 这个词是指COVID-19检测呈阳性,必须呆在家里,避免见到其他人的人吗. 检测呈阳性的个体应隔离5天,从症状出现之日或检测结果呈阳性之日开始. They are not to leave their home or return to campus until after the five-day period has passed and they are fever free and other symptoms are improving.

Quarantine is the term used for individuals who are identified as a close contact to a positive case. The CDC has created a two-tier grouping for close contacts:

  • 最近完成辉瑞或Moderna批准的疫苗的主要系列(在过去6个月内)的个人, or within the past two months for Johnson & Johnson), as well as individuals who have received a booster dose of vaccine, are not required to quarantine if they remain asymptomatic. 疾病预防控制中心建议,这些人在与他人接触时应戴上口罩10天,并在接触后的第5天进行检测, if possible. If an individual in this tier develops symptoms, they should be tested and stay at home while awaiting results.
  • Anyone who is unvaccinated, partially vaccinated (only completed one dose of a two-dose series), or who has completed their series (at least five months prior for Pfizer and Moderna, or two months prior for Johnson & Johnson) and who hasn't yet received a booster dose, should quarantine for five days, followed by mask usage around other individuals for an additional five days. 美国疾病控制与预防中心建议这组人在接触后的第五天进行检测,如果在任何时候出现症状,都要呆在家里.

For additional CDC quarantine and isolation guidance, visit

What if I have symptoms of COVID-19?

出现符合COVID-19症状的个人应立即与其他人隔离. To learn about COVID-19 symptoms, read Symptoms of Coronavirus.

  • Students can contact Wellness Services to be tested. Call 660.562.1348 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.
  • 学生和员工可以拨打马赛克医疗中心-玛丽维尔的COVID-19护士热线660.562.5357 between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Monday through Friday or between 8 a.m. and noon Saturday. 
  • Do not go to a health care facility unless you are instructed to do so. 马赛克医疗中心建议,只有在呼吸困难的情况下才去急诊室, confusion, seizures, persistent chest pain or pressure, an inability to talk or be roused, or high fevers not relieved by over-the-counter medications. If any of these happen, promptly call 911, alert them to your symptoms and that you suspect you have COVID-19. If you decide to go to the emergency room on your own, call ahead and notify them that you think you have COVID-19.

For additional CDC quarantine and isolation guidance, visit

Who is a close contact?

密切接触者被认为是在COVID-19检测呈阳性的个体的感染期间(感染期开始于症状出现前两天并贯穿该人的整个隔离期)有长时间(至少15分钟)密切接触(6英尺内)或身体接触(任何持续时间)的个体。. 无论是否戴口罩,都可能被视为密切接触者.

A common misconception is that you should quarantine if you have been exposed to someone who is a close contact; that is not accurate. If you live with someone who is a contact, but they do not have a positive test or symptoms, you do not need to quarantine.

For additional CDC quarantine and isolation guidance, visit


No, a student does not have to test negative before returning to the classroom. 学生重返教室的能力将由诺达威县卫生部门指导, or another health agency, in alignment with CDC guidelines.

In general, an individual may return to the classroom if they have completed their isolation period, they are fever-free and their other symptoms are improving. 检测呈阳性的个人在恢复正常活动后的5天内,应继续在他人周围戴口罩.

For additional CDC quarantine and isolation guidance, visit

What if my roommate tests positive for COVID-19?

If you become aware your roommate was tested for COVID-19, one of you will need to move out of the living space until the test results return. If one of you cannot move out, avoid sharing a bedroom and bathroom. 

If the test results return positive for your roommate, 您可能被视为密切接触者,并可能由诺达威县公共卫生或其他卫生机构与您联系. If you are determined to be a contact, you will be given guidance from this agency on what to do next.

If you are not contacted, additional precautions are not necessary.

For additional CDC quarantine and isolation guidance, visit

Do I need to quarantine if my roommate was exposed to a person who tested positive for COVID-19?

除非您自己被确定为直接密切接触者,否则您不需要隔离. However, the roommate needs to quarantine, and that means they should not have contact with anyone, including all roommates.  

如果你的室友自己检测呈阳性,而你被认为是密切接触者,你应该被隔离. A public health official may contact you to provide guidance. If you are not contacted, there is no need to take additional precautions.

For additional CDC quarantine and isolation guidance, visit

If I have already had COVID-19 and recovered, do I still need to get vaccinated?

Yes, you should be vaccinated regardless of whether you already had COVID-19. Studies have shown the vaccine and its boosters are effective in reducing the risk of getting and spreading the virus that causes COVID-19. Learn more about why getting vaccinated is a safer way to build protection than getting infected.

For additional CDC quarantine and isolation guidance, visit

How effective is the COVID-19 vaccine?

fda批准的COVID-19疫苗有助于预防变异,同时降低COVID-19及其潜在严重并发症的风险, including death.

在美国批准使用的所有COVID-19疫苗都已在临床试验中证明有效,有助于保护人们免受COVID-19的侵害, including severe illness. Studies have shown how COVID-19 vaccines work in real-world conditions.

For more information, visit

For additional CDC quarantine and isolation guidance, visit

Where can I learn more about COVID-19 and recommendations for prevention?

以下链接附属于州和联邦卫生机构,并提供实时更新, guidelines and other resources related to the coronavirus outbreak.

Where can I receive the COVID-19 vaccine?

Students and employees may call Wellness Services at 660.562.1348 to schedule an appointment for a vaccine.

Individuals also may call the Nodaway County Health Department at 660.562.2755 or Mosaic Medical Center-Maryville at 660.562.2525 to schedule an appointment.

Local pharmacies have the vaccine available and recommend calling to schedule an appointment.

To find a COVID-19 vaccine near you, visit

如欲了解更多有关疫苗的资料及马赛克生命护理所提供的常见问题解答, visit

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